Q. We already have a GPS system installed, can we still work with CCS Logistics?
Yes, our services have been designed to work alongside almost any GPS system
Q. How long is the initial contract for TrucKing with CCS Logistics?
There is an initial term of 12 months, then TrucKing operates on a rolling monthly contract.
Q. What is the name of the GPS system supplied by CCS Logistics?
We don’t sell or supply any GPS system – we only provide support services to help you to get more from the GPS system you have chosen.
Q. We don’t have GPS – how do we get started?
We can help you work out if GPS is right for you and help you to build a business case by looking at how you will use it in your business.
Q. Is the CCS Logistics service confidential?
Absolutely. We have confidentiality agreements in place with all of our customers and suppliers and as our customer, we work in your best interests at all times.
Q. Our competitor works with CCS Logistics, will you share our information with them?
No. Each of our customers gets the same commitment to confidentiality.
Q. Our GPS system doesn’t work properly, can you help?
You should always talk to your GPS supplier first, but if you need more help, give us a call.
Q. Can GPS help me to improve my Operator Rating System (ORS) grading?
Yes – most of the weighting of the ORS is related to driver behaviour so your GPS can help you to see who you need to work with before the next ratings are calculated. Our TrucKing service focusses on the same driver behaviour challenges that affect your ORS to give you a win – win result.
Q. How does GPS save my fleet money?
The GPS doesn’t save you money. The information it makes available to you, means you and your staff can make better decisions which can save you money on fuel, maintenance, road user charges and other fleet related costs.
Q. Why don’t my staff want GPS?
Because they think you will waste time spying on them or trying to catch them out when they think they are doing their job well. You need to show that the information from the GPS will be used in a positive way to make your fleet the best place to work.
Q. How can GPS improve my fuel efficiency?
If you use your GPS data to help your drivers to improve their driving habits, their speed should become more consistent with less speeding up and slowing down which saps fuel.
Q. Do I need to upgrade my GPS system to work with CCS Logistics?
No, we will help you to get the most out of what you already have.
Q. How can you say you are the only independent support office in New Zealand?
We are the only company dedicated to leveraging GPS and transport technology in New Zealand that does not sell or take commissions for recommending any GPS supplier.